About Breaking Free

Breaking Free Yoga

For many people, yoga can be a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. By focusing on the present moment and cultivating awareness and self-acceptance, we can learn to overcome obstacles and challenges, and move towards greater clarity, balance, and joy in our lives.

So the name ‘Breaking Free Yoga’ can be seen as an invitation to explore the transformative power of yoga, and to embrace the journey of personal growth and self-discovery.

Meet Michelle

I am glad you are here to take a look at who I am and what I offer, so welcome my friend.

We may or may not have connected already but that is the beauty of yoga and what it means. Yoga means union, to come together.

My passion is to share with you what worked for me through the highs and lows of life and all it brings, with health, injuries, anxiety, fears, grief, loss.

I have been teaching for over a decade, across the world from my native roots in England, to the far away shores of Australia.

My knowledge and credentials in the fitness industry along with the thousand hours of study in yoga, meditation and yoga therapy has enabled me to teach everybody - all ages all abilities.

My aim is to always help others to achieve mental, physical and emotional health.

Michelle Grundy Yoga Therapist Cancer Yoga Therapy


Exercise and Physiology

Certified Yoga Therapist 

Certified Yoga Teacher

Certified Yoga for Oncology
(Y4C Trained)

Certified Meditation Teacher

breaking free yoga Michelle Grundy